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No child left homeless and abandoned

What Life4Kids Does


  • We rescue and nurture abandoned boys in Nairobi, Kenya.

  • We provide for their emotional, physical, social, and educational needs.

  • We provide a loving and nurturing home conducive to personal growth.


What Life4Kids Canada Does


  • We provide funding representing more than 75% of the cost of operation of Life4Kids in Kenya.

Life4Kids CEO Jane Wasike shown with children in slum.jpg

Life4Kids CEO Jane Wasike shown with children in slum.

The little boy that she is looking at is now part of the Life4Kids family.

The three newest boys in the Life4Kids family.jpg

The three newest boys in the Life4Kids family.

Why Boys?


We often are asked, “why do you support only boys?’ Our founder originally chose to provide a home for boys. Boys are more often abandoned. Boys are considered to have little value in Kenya society. Girls have value in Kenya: for their domestic skills, for their ability to earn income for the family, and for the dowries they attract on marriage.

How We Do It


  • We accept boys who are living on the streets, destitute, abandoned and alone in Nairobi, Kenya.

  • We can accommodate 26 boys living in the home at any given time.

  • In addition, we support seven more boys who are pursing higher education

  • The home is a family unit, not an institution. Love, acceptance and belonging are key components.

  • We focus on quality care, healing from trauma, emotional nurturing, quality education, health care and housing, all provided with love.

  • Our boys are given dignity, respect, love, acceptance, encouragement, security and opportunity.

  • Our staff members themselves live in the family environment in our home.

  • All the children become “siblings”, and all partake in household chores and responsibilities.

Why We Do It


Kenya is a country where poverty, deprivation, disease and neglect result in too many children being abandoned to the streets, vulnerable and alone. Nairobi is a city of more than 4.4 million people. It is estimated that more than 6-% of the people in Nairobi live in slums, in grueling poverty. The average slum resident lives in extreme poverty, earning less than US$2.00 per day. Unemployment rates are high. 12% of the population are living with HIV. Cases of assault and rape are common. There are few schools, and most people cannot afford education for their children. Clean water is scarce. Diseases caused by poor hygiene are prevalent. A great majority living in the slum lack access to basic services, including electricity, running water, and medical care. Because of poverty, children are often taken out of school to help provide food for the family or are abandoned.

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What You Can Do


The annual cost of educating our boys and maintaining a home for 26 boys is almost CDN $170,000. And costs are mounting! There are many reasons for this:

  • Inflation is rampant in Kenya.

  • Kenyans continue to experience supply chain issues.

  • Utility and fuel costs have more than doubled.

  • Drought and floods have caused food costs to skyrocket.

  • The exchange rate for the Kenyan shilling has changed dramatically, resulting in more Canadian dollars being required to buy shillings.

  • The little boys are now in private school.

  • The state-run medical insurance program appears to have collapsed.

  • Four of our boys are in post-secondary education with higher education costs.


We need continuous financial support to sustain this important project. We have a budget to meet EVERY MONTH. Please donate today. Or, better still, please set up a recurring monthly donation so we can meet the monthly needs of the boys.

The Life4Kids Family

The entire Life4Kids family (boys and staff).jpg

The entire Life4Kids family (boys and staff).

About Our Charity

  • Life4Kids Canada is incorporated by Letters Patent in the Province of Ontario as a not-for-profit corporation.

  • Life4Kids Canada is a registered Canadian charity under the Income Tax Act (Canada).

  • Life4Kids Canada has minimal overhead expenses (only bank fees, insurance, annual accounting). 95% of funds raised go directly to Life4kids in Kenya.

  • The home operated in Nairobi Kenya is a licensed children’s home pursuant to the Charitable Children’s Institutions in Kenya.

  • Life4Kids Canada is sponsored by private individuals, service clubs, churches, corporations and community groups.

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Life4Kids Canada receives financial support from generous donors. The need is great. The potential is unlimited. The results are life-changing. But Life4Kids needs a solid foundation of funding to survive. Please give generously.

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